Spring Competition: Poetry & Art Winners & Finalists
The following poems and art were selected as the Winners for the Kids’ Poetry Club Spring 2020 Competition, with the poets and artists coming from England, Wales, Ireland, India, Canada, and the United States. The Winners were announced in a special awards ceremony podcast episode. In addition, you can read all of the Finalists’ poems and listen to all twenty poets reciting their poems in our three special bonus episodes: Bonus episode 1; Bonus episode 2; and Bonus episode 3. Congratulations to all of the winners!
Poetry & Art: Under 9
“Hare Today” by Emily
Hare today, gone tomorrow.
The rabbit came, with no sorrow.
Hare tomorrow, gone today.
The rabbit just hopped away.
Hare today, then gone back.
The rabbit will keep coming back.
Gone back, then hare.
The rabbit is doing a dare.
Hare today, then ran out.
The rabbit leaves without a doubt.
Hare today, and is staying.
The rabbit is playing and playing.
Hare today, quick as a flash.
The rabbit runs in a dash.
Hare today, hare tomorrow.
The rabbit is eating sorrel.
Gone today, gone tomorrow.
We feel great sorrow.
Gone tomorrow, gone today.
The rabbit hasn't had a play.
Poetry & Art: Age 9-10
“Spring Hedgehog” by Joseph
The little sharp spikes are pricking off its back.
Its clawed tiny paws leave a muddy patterned track.
Its sleepy shiny face rustles up the leaves
as the wind whips and cracks the tall blossoming trees.
The cute sparkling eyes look up at the sheep
and the hedgehog sees the end of a Winter sleep.
Poetry & Art: Age 11-12
“The Spring Tree” by Noah
Strong and silent, I stand alone,
towering over the humans’ homes.
Flowers blooming upon me.
I am the Spring Tree.
Watching from my grassy hill,
spreading Spring warmth to all.
I'm sure the bees'll agree.
I am the Spring Tree
Spreading life to all that's dead.
Watch the rainbow of life begin to spread.
Release all who cower from Winter.
Let the spirit of Spring enter.
I am, for all to see.
I am the Spring Tree.
Poetry & Art: Age 13-17
“The Last Day of Spring” by Aryan
During Spring times, yawn goes to flee.
Jovial the only thing you will see,
but my assertion went wrong when the mirror looked at me.
I found the only thing which seemed sully.
Alas! My mind was not so Spring.
I went to the attic, to search for sorrow,
I wondered what made my happiness hollow.
My eyes got it. I realize my pain will grow,
the vicinity I see today might not be tomorrow.
Oh! It was the last day of Spring.
My lips cried: why this moment has to die?
When faces are jolly why let eyes cry?
Why can’t you change this bitter truth into a sweet lie?
Why don’t you answer? Please tell why –
You have to kill this Spring.
I wonder how the mirror turned wise?
It told me – it is no good to despise.
If one phase is sunny other maybe ice.
Remember rain always settles and the sun always rises.
The same way it goes with Spring.
So, why rued your mood on the last day of Spring!
Why shut your ears! The bells still ring.
Why moan when the environment sings!
Hence, be optimistic and widen your wings –
for this another day of Spring.
Poetry: Over 17
“A Spring In Our Steps” by Melissa
Let’s step outside and step into Spring.
The beautiful season the daffodils bring.
Smell the flowers as their scent fills the air.
Bees buzzing, help them grow everywhere,
as the plants blossom and bloom, you’ll see
just how beautiful nature can be.
Hear the birds all singing their song,
and the whirling wind whistling along.
Feel the sun gently warming our cheeks,
or raindrops dancing round our feet.
Then, with a spring in our steps, home we go,
thanking Spring for this wonderful show.